Los Altos Town Crier Magazine Feature 2022

Mountain View resident Reshma Bhoopal said she was always artistically inclined, but seeing stained-glass creations throughout her travels to Europe inspired her to create her own glass art. Later in life, after taking a class to learn technical skills, she got more involved in the medium and launched her own business.

It’s like therapy for me,” Bhoopal said. “I love doing it. It’s the joy of creating something from an idea to an actual product. It starts with the basic picture or some kind of an idea that I sketch out and then try and figure out how to work out the details. Then, you try to conceptualize how you can work it through and find it’s a lot of trial and error. To see the final piece and the way it turned out, it’s really, really satisfying.”

Los Altos Wine + Art Festival Artsfromglass


Mountain View Arts and Wine Festival 2022


Walt Disney Museum